Power Ranking System

Softball Power Rankings


(All schools on your schedule are included in your calculations - including non-PIAA schools)

WIN POINTS — 5 points for each win.
SCHEDULE POINTS — winning percentage of each opponent on your schedule X 5.
BONUS POINTS — the winning percentage of the team that your team defeated X 12 and the winning percentage of the team that your team tied X 6.

The power ranking is determined by dividing the sum of all the win points, tie points, schedule points, and bonus points by the number of games that you played.
It is strongly recommended that you play all 20 games. All games should be completed by the day prior to the seeding meeting.  All games should be completed the day prior to the seeding meeting.

Tournament winners follow the bracket.  Teams are not re-seeded as the tournament advances.

Note: Post-season games for non-District One opponents can count towards the team's overall records. However, District One school's Post-Season League Playoff and Championship games do not count towards the power ranking system.

Final Rankings are Unofficial until 12:00 the day after the Seed Meeting